It’s back to school time and in addition to selecting class schedules, you will also be able to select clubs for your nerd. Most schools offer sports, student council, and a variety of social and academic clubs. If you are lucky, your school will offer robotics, coding, or some sort of technical or computer club. Normally, this is what will interest your nerd. There are three important factors to look at when choosing a club or extracurricular activity for your nerd. They are:
- Interests
- Finances
- Family schedule
The most important factor in choosing a club for your nerd is their specific interest. If they are not interested in sports they will be miserable playing basketball. In turn, they will make your life miserable. The whining, arguing, and bargaining to get out of the activity will eventually wear you down. The frustrations of not getting any playing time will also be really hard on your child. Finding an activity that will interest and stimulates your nerd to grow and will challenge them is the most important factor in looking at clubs and extracurricular activities.
Your family’s finances are also a major factor in choosing a club or activity. My son’s school offers Lego robotics and a Tech Challenge club that does local and National competitions. Both of the clubs cost $200 each just to join. This does not include any travel or accommodations for competitions. If the group is doing well and they make it to National competitions this could add up to several thousand dollars. Taking a realistic look at your family’s finances before you join a competitive Club is a good idea to keep from causing any heartbreak down the road if you cannot attend a major event.
Family Schedule
Your family’s schedule is also an important factor to look at when choosing activities. My son has Tech Challenge on Friday after school and also on Saturday from 10 to 1. My daughter has soccer games on Friday night and guitar on Saturday. Luckily, her soccer games begin at 5 on Friday and her guitar lessons are at 1 on Saturday. The drop-off and pick-up can be a little crazy but it works for us. There have been times that my husband and I will need to divide and conquer in order to get everyone to their events. Carpooling with other parents can help balance family activities when you have multiple children in multiple activities.
Whatever you decide to do regarding clubs and extracurricular activities remember that the most important thing is to keep your nerd engaged and challenged. Keeping these three factors at the top of your mind when looking at the club rosters for school will help you make the best decision for your nerd and your family.
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Cool first post. Look forward to seeing more.
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